The most popular build is the DD Cardinal at 2/3/0 talent point distribution which wields Mighty Energy Beat ( upgrade of energy beat ), Arctic Blast ( upgrade of cold bolt, stacks 3 times to a max -90% move speed) and Rainbow Field ( AOE spell damages up to 7 targets ). This configuration also includes max level. LotRO (lore-master and captain) GW2 (ranger) GW1 (ranger - can dual spec with any class) - You can also bring heroes with you and build a complete party. This can be a lot of fun. Aion - (spiritmaster) Of those classes the most fun, solely concerning the companions, for me are SWTOR and Neverwinter. They are heavily companion focused. Pet Classes: Breeder, Spellsinger, and Sorcerer may learn Creature Taming to level 5 (level 10 at the Second Job). Higher levels of Creature Taming have better chances of taming a creature. A Creature Taming skill card will increase the chances of taming a creature. Many players choose to seek out a tamer with level 10 taming and a skill card. Leave for three years, I have quite repeatedly returned to the Rappelz game. I continue for good equipment to buy rupees. Three years of time I have played many games, but no a game can let me real input. By now I have found that the original is the lack of a person accompanying me. Posted by: buy rupees at August 12, 2008 02:00 AM.
- Rappelz Master Breeder Build Guide
- Rappelz Master Breeder Build Kit
- Rappelz Epic 7 Guide: Rappelz Master Breeder MC(Master Class)
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- Rappelz Advisor: Rappelz Master Breeder Guide
Master breeder is a class that excels in healing his pets and raising their stats as high as possible ,mb has the strongest pets out of all classes ,even all summoners.
Notable skills :
Defense mastery : a defensive pet buff which grants them +- 30% damage reduction from all sources
Law of exchange : this is the most tricky skill on his kit,takes the max HP of his first pet and gives a % of it to p attack to BOTH pets ,and takes the max mp of 2nd pet and adds a % of it to m attack on Both pets once again
Celestial Sanctuary : aoe pet heal which also fills mp
Pass damage :50% DMG to pet instead of you.
MB is nothing like the class you ll want for end gaming,but they are genuinely fun , I enjoy playing mb the most out of all classes but my lack of funds renders this impossible ,its highly expensively and not quite rewarding either.
Class recap : This class is recommended for people who want to solely rely on their pets ,personally I make a mb every time I need the 5x 20 hours impacts cause my pets allow me to do so pretty fast ,its super fun to play and I d heavily recommend it to people who love healing intensely being scared of dying ,thanks for reading
Rappelz Pets Guide by cammy537 aka ZooZoo
I. Introduction
II. Pet Basics
a. What is a pet card?
b. Where can I get a pet card?
c. How do I tame a pet?
d. How do I use a pet card?
e. How do I equip gear on my pet?
f. How do I summon my pet? What is Dual Summoning?
g. How can I move and attack with my pet?
h. How do I use my pet’s skills?
i. How do my pet’s statistics affect combat?
j. What happens when my pet dies? How do I resurrect it?
k. How can I use a pet on my belt?
l. How can I rename my pet?
III. Pet Leveling, Evolution, Overbreeding, JP
and Learning Skills
a. How does my pet gain experience and level up?
b. How do I evolve my pet?
c. What is overbreeding? How do I do it?
d. What is JP and how do I learn skills for my pet?
IV. Pet Types and Classification
Addresses the classification of pets, drop-rate, tame-rate and relative powers.
a. “NPC” Basic pets
b. “Common” Basic pets
c. “Uncommon” Basic pets
d. Rare pets
e. Unique pets
V. Conclusion
VI.Quick Reference Guide
a. Useful Screens
b. Making Pet Equipment
c. Moving and Attacking with the Pet
d. Skills
e. Taming
f. Belt Stats
VII. Version History
I. Introduction – How to quickly find what you need to know!
Pets are a very important part of Rappelz. This guide is intended to be a complete reference that is easy to use. Key terms are in bold font. If you are looking for something quickly, seek out the bold words and the section titles.
Rappelz Master Breeder Build Guide
II. Pet Basics
A. Pet Cards
A pet card is an item that is stored in your inventory and can be used to summon a creature. Some pet cards can be purchased at the Merchant NPC. Other pet cards can be found by killing specific monsters. Pet cards can be traded, placed in the auction house, etc.
An empty pet card is required to tame a creature. The empty card will list which types of monsters can be tamed.
A tamed pet card is one which stores a successfully tamed creature. The creature will have a level, an overbred level and will have pet-specific skills.
B. Finding or Buying an Empty Pet Card
The merchant NPC sells three types of Basic empty pet cards: the Tortus, Pantera and Poultry. All other types are drop-only. Cash Shop sales periodically feature Uncommon and Rare pet cards.
To find an empty pet card, you can kill a monster of the type you wish to find. The rarity of the pet card is based on the level of monster killed (listed in section IV.) The chance of getting an empty pet card drop is very very low and depends on the rarity of the pet. Farming can take days, weeks or months for a single card.
All monsters that are not a tamable type can drop a random-type pet card with a rarity relative to the monster’s level. Random-type monsters have a lower chance of dropping a card.
C. Taming a Pet
Taming a pet card is done by finding a monster listed on an empty pet card and casting Creature Taming on that monster. The monster must be at full health before the spell is cast. After the spell has been cast, the player must kill the monster. If successful, the card will contain a level 1 creature. If failed, the pet card will be destroyed. A heart above the dead monster indicates a successful tame. A broken heart indicates a failed tame.
All players can learn Creature Taming level 1 at their beginning job: Guide, Rogue or Stepper. Pet Classes: Breeder, Spellsinger, and Sorcerer may learn Creature Taming to level 5 (level 10 at the Second Job). Higher levels of Creature Taming have better chances of taming a creature. A Creature Taming skill card will increase the chances of taming a creature. Many players choose to seek out a tamer with level 10 taming and a skill card to tame their pet. Any scams should be reported to the Rappelz GMs via e-mail. (
Taming success rates are not officially released. Attempting to tame a monster higher in level than the tamer will frequently result in a failed tame. NPC Basic pets have a very high tame rate, Common Basic pets have about a 50% chance, Uncommon Basic pets have about a 20% chance and Rare pets have a much lower chance. Details in Section IV.
D. Forming a Pet
Forming a pet is the way to equip a tamed pet card for summoning. The amount of formation slots is equal to the level of the Creature Control passive skill. All classes may learn level 1 on their beginning job. Pet Classes may learn more levels of this skill, up to 5 levels.
To form a pet, press Alt+Y or select Formation from the Menu. Drag and drop a tamed pet card from your Inventory (Alt+I) to the Pet formation window.
E. Equipping Gear onto a Pet
In order to equip gear onto your pet, you must combine the item with a Unit Card, purchasable from the Merchant NPC. Level requirements will be listed on the item.
To combine the item with the Unit Card,
* Open your inventory.
* (1) Press “Combination” at the bottom of the window.
* (2) Drag the unit card and item into the Combination window.
* Press Confirm.
* (3) Drag this combined item onto one the creature item slots of a formed pet in the Pet Formation (Alt+Y) window.
To remove an item from a Unit Card, you must combine the item with a Chalk of Restoration, purchasable at the Merchant NPC.
To upgrade a pet’s equipment, it must be removed from the unit card, equipped on a player and upgraded at the Blacksmith NPC by the player. Armors are class-specific and may only be upgraded by a player of that class.
To add a Soulstone to a pet’s equipment, drag and drop the equipment into the Soulcrafter NPC’s window. The item does not need to be removed from the unit card.
F. Summoning a Pet, Dual Summoning
To summon a pet that has been formed, you must cast the Summon Creature spell. All classes can learn this spell at their beginning job. To choose which pet you want to summon (if more than 1 is formed,) select the pet in the Pet Selection Window (Alt+R.)
When summoned, the pet will appear by your side and follow your character. The next section (II. g) explains how to command your pet. Download titan quest free pc.
To unsummon, or recall a pet to its card, cast the Recall Creature spell. The selected pet (Alt+R) will be recalled.
Pet classes may Dual Summon, allowing two summoned pets at the same time. This is done by casting Summon Creature on a second pet after the spell has finished cooling down. When two pets have been summoned, the first pet will have a timer that counts down. When that timer reaches zero, the first pet will be automatically recalled. Each pet class has a way to extend this dual summon timer. More info on the specifics of this can be found in the Class Discussion Forum.
G. Moving and Attacking with a Pet
Once a pet has been summoned, it will follow the player. In the Commands Menu (Alt+T) there are hotkeys for Player Attack, Creature Attack, Creature/Player Attack and Creature Follow. These hotkeys can be dragged to the Player’s skill hot-bar at the bottom of the screen.
To move pets, Shift+click the ground. The pets will move to that spot but the player will not. To attack with a pet only, Alt+click a monster or select a monster and press the Creature Attack hotkey. Autodesk 2015 keygen xforce 32 64 bits full. The most recently summoned pet will attack. To attack with pets and player, Ctrl+click a monster or select a monster and press the Creature/Player Attack hotkey. To attack with the player but not the pets, Shift+click a monster or select a monster and press the Attack hotkey. To have a pet stop and follow the player, select the pet in the Pet Selection Window (Alt+R) and hit Escape 3 times, or press the Creature Follow hotkey.
H. Using Pet Skills
Each pet can learn certain skills (more on this in Section III. D.) When a pet has been summoned, the Active skills can be used (Passive skills are always in effect.) Pet skills may be placed into the skills Hotbar at the bottom of the screen.
UPDATE: This image shows an Epic 4 pet-only skill bar that is found in the Creature Info screen. Skill bars in Epic 6 are located at the bottom of the screen and skills must be dragged there instead.
To fill the Hotbar with a pet’s skills, double-click the pet in the Pet Selection Window (Alt+R) to bring up the Pet Info Page. On the Skill Tab, a list of learned skills will be displayed. Drag a learned skill to the Skills Hotbar.
Targeted Skills (eg: special attacks or buffs) require a player or monster to be selected to use the skill. Pet Only Skills only cast on the pet itself, regardless of the target selected. Toggle Skills will have a special yellow border around them when they have been activated (by casting.) These toggles will consume some mana over time while they are active and will provide their effect until they are turned off. Auto-Cast Skills have a special flashing yellow border and will cast every time the skill has cooled down. Only attack skills and spells can be set to Auto-Cast. To set an attack to Auto-Cast, right-click the skill on the hotbar. If two skills are set to Auto-Cast and are both ready, the skills will be used from left to right.
I. Pets in Combat
A pet’s Combat Statistics are listed on the Pet Information Page which can be found by double clicking a formed pet in the Pet Selection Window (Alt+R.)
Normal Pet Attacks will deal physical-type damage relative to the pet’s strength and weapon physical attack power. If the pet has a bow- or crossbow-type weapon equipped, dexterity will increase the physical attack power instead of strength (Strength will still have a very small effect.) Bows and crossbows equipped onto a pet will not increase the pet’s attack range. Most pets have close-range attacks. Pixies, Sirens, Harpies and White Dragons (Epic 5 only) have ranged normal attacks, regardless of the weapon used.
Accuracy determines the pet’s chance to hit a monster using physical attacks. Dexterity increases accuracy.
Some Pet Attack Skills use physical-type damage and others cast spells which deal magical-type damage. This depends on the skill being used. Pet Attack Skills have a damage formula which usually uses the physical or magical attack power of the creature and a multiplier to find the final damage.
Magical Attack Spells are based on the pet’s magical attack power. Staves, Maces, Dirks and Axes have magical attack properties which will increase the pet’s base magical attack power. Intelligence also increases magical attack power and mana points.
Wisdom increases magical accuracy, magical resistance and magical defense. Magical Accuracy determines the pet’s chance to land a spell against an enemy. Magical Resistance determines the pet’s chance to fail an enemy’s spell. Magical Defense reduces the damage taken by an enemy’s spell.
Vitality increases a pet’s physical defense and hit points. Physical Defense reduces the damage taken by an enemy’s physical attacks.
J. Pet Death and Resurrection
When a pet has been slain by an enemy it will fall over and be useless. After one minute the pet will automatically recall into its card. If the pet was slain by a monster, it will lose experience.
To Resurrect a pet, select a summoned pet in the Pet Selection Window (Alt+R) or shift-click the dead pet. Then use a Resurrection Scroll or cast a Resurrection or Pet Resurrection spell on the pet. Resurrection scrolls will not restore lost experience, but spells will give back a small amount. The resurrected pet will have low HP and MP. Creature Resurrection Spellbooks (Cash Shop only) will resurrect the pet with full HP and MP and will recover all lost experience.
K. Using a Pet on the Belt
At level 40 and 90, pets can learn a passive Belt Stat. Each pet gives two different stats. When you equip the pet on your belt, your character will gain special stat bonuses.
To belt a pet, you must learn the passive skill on the pet, have a belt equipped, and double-click the pet card in your inventory. The pet cannot be formed (Alt+Y) when you do this, so of course you cannot summon the pet and use it on your belt at the same time. Belted pets do not gain experience. Check the Quick Reference Guide (Section VI.) for details on what belt stats a particular pet gives.
L. Renaming a Pet
When a pet is first formed, it receives a randomly generated two-part pet name (eg: CitTer or BonnaRuth.) Players can use the Creature Name Change Card (Cash Shop only) to rename a pet. These items are frequently sold at player shops or in the auction house.
To use a CNC Card, summon only the pet you wish to rename, select the pet and double-click the Name Change Card. You will see a confirmation box stating the current name of the pet and will be able to type in a new name for the pet. Confirming renames the pet and uses up the CNC Card.
Players may not use censored words in their pet’s name. Pets with offensive names are frequently changed by the GMs, so if you pick an offensive name, keep in mind that a GM may change it as soon as it is seen or reported.
III. Pet Leveling, Evolution & Learning Skills
A. Pet Experience and Leveling
When a player gains experience, any pet the player has summoned gains experience too. Pet Classes can learn the passive skill Creature Breeding to increase the experience gained by summoned pets and unsummoned pets in the Formation. Dead pets do not gain experience.
When a pet gains enough experience it will Level Up just like a player. Evolution 1 pets range from level 1 to 60. Evolution 2 pets range from level 50 to 115. Evolution 3 pets range from level 100 to 150. When a pet’s level is equal to the player’s level, it will stop gaining experience.
B. Evolving a Pet
When a pet has reached a certain level, it can be evolved at the Breeder NPC in each city. Evolution 1 pets can be evolved at level 50 to 60. Evolution 2 pets can be evolved at level 100 to 115. Evolution 3 pets cannot be evolved further. After a pet has reached the maximum level for its current Evolution, it cannot level until it has been Evolved.
Evolving a pet changes the pet’s appearance, gives it higher combat statistics and gives it access to new skills. The pet will maintain its level after evolution (eg: a level 55 Pantera Junior will evolve into a level 55 Pantera Hunter.) Once a pet has been evolved it can never increase its overbreed level for its previous evolution (more on OB in the next Section.) If it has been evolved early it can never gain the extra JP or skills it has skipped.

C. Overbreeding a Pet
Pets evolved at the maximum possible level will be stronger than pets evolved earlier. This process of leveling is called Overbreeding. When a pet begins to overbreed, it will gain a OB level in addition to its normal level. This OB level will be shown as a (+1) to (+25) next to the creature name and will also show on the pet card.
When Overbreeding, the pet will take more experience than normal to level up. Each level gained during overbreeding will award the pet 2 JP instead of 1. After the first level of overbreeding, the pet will have access to the Overbred Passives. These skills increase the pet’s combat statistics and can make an overbred pet’s stats higher than a non-overbred pet can achieve.
Rappelz Master Breeder Build Kit
Fully-Overbred pets will receive a star on the pet card. Evo 1 full-OB pets (+10) will have a silver star and Evo 2 full-OB pets (+25) will have a silver and gold star.
D. Learning Pet Skills
Pet skills can be purchased with a pet’s Job Points. Open the Pet Stats and Skills Window by double-clicking a pet in the Pet Selection Window (Alt+R.) The right-hand tab of the Pet Stats and Skills Window will show the currently learned skills on the left page and the skills available to learn on the right.
Skills cost 1 to 2 JP per skill level. Skills can have 1 to 10 levels available. Skill tabs labeled Basic, Intermediate and Advanced divide the skills by Evolution. Certain skills have levels available at each evolution. When you select a skill it will display the name, JP cost, prerequisite needed (if any) and a description of the skill’s effect. Be careful! Some skills have vague or inaccurate effects descriptions. Check detailed pet guides for advice on which skills are effective and which skills are useless for a particular pet.
Pet skills cannot be unlearned normally. A Pet Respec Potion (Cash Shop only) can be used to reset all of a pet’s skills. This will not affect the pet’s OB level.
IV. Pet Types and Classification
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Pets are divided into categories based on rarity. Pet Rarity affects the chance to get a pet card from killing a monster and the chance to tame a pet. These factors largely determine the market value of a pet type. Pets are categorized as Basic, Rare and Unique. Basic pets are further divided into NPC Basic pets, Commons and Uncommons by NPC availability and drop-rarity.
A. “NPC” Basic Pets
NPC pets are categorized as Basic pets and include the Tortus, Pantera and Poultry. Empty NPC Basic pet cards can be purchased at the merchant NPC for a very cheap price. Taming of NPC Basic Pets is extremely easy, even with level 1 Creature Taming. NPC Basic Pets have the lowest market value. NPC pets have the lowest combat statistics. In Epic 5, NPC pets will have the lowest passive and active skill effects and will also gain less power from equipped items.
B. “Common” Basic Pets
Common Pets are categorized as Basic pets and include the Yeti, Orc, Skeleton, Siren, Blue Pixie, Red Pixie and Wolf. Empty Common pets can only be found by killing a level 30+ monster of the same type of creature. Taming of Common pets has about a 50% chance with a level 10 tamer using a +2 or higher card. Common pets are higher in market value than NPC Basic Pets. Common pets have higher combat statistics than NPC pets. In Epic 5, Common pets will have higher passive and active skill effects and will gain more power from equipped items than NPC pets.

C. “Uncommon” Basic Pets
Uncommon Pets are categorized as Basic pets and include the Salamander , Hawkman and Harpy. The drop-rate for Uncommon pets is lower than common pets. Uncommon pets are higher in market value than common pets. Uncommon pets have higher passive and active skill effects and gain more power from equipped items than NPC or Common pets.
D. Rare Pets
Rare pets include the Kentauros, Angel, Cerberus and Gnoll. The drop-rate for Rare pets is extremely low. Taming of Rare pets has a very low chance of success even at high taming levels (not verified.) Tamed Rare pets are far higher in market value than common or uncommon pets. Their empty cards are closer in value to Uncommon pet cards, but have a far lower chance to tame. Rare pets have higher passive and active skills effects and will gain more power from equipped items than Basic pets.
E. Unique Pets
Unique pets include the White Dragon and Koala. Empty Dragon Cards are only found in the end-game Temple dungeons of the Veiled Island. The drop rate and tame rate for White Dragons is incredibly low. The Koala pet may only be gained from the Ursa Dungeon. Ursa Gen points may be earned and traded for Prince’s or King’s boxes that have a chance to contain a tamed Koala. A tamed Koala may also be purchased for 1,000,000 Gen points. Gen points may not be traded, so you must earn these yourself. Unique pets have the highest passive and active skills effects of any creature.
V. Conclusion
For more information on specific pets and what they can do, look in the Pets Discussion Forum for guides and tips on your specific pet.
Rappelz Epic 7 Guide: Rappelz Master Breeder MC(Master Class)
Please feel free to reply to this thread with information you would like to see in this F.A.Q. or with corrections.
I hope you enjoyed this guide. I will maintain it as I see fit, at my own leisure. I can be reached by forum PM or on Salamander server, usually playing ZooZoo.
More Rappelz Master Breeder Build Videos
VI. Quick Pet Reference Guide
A. Useful Screens
Alt+R – Pet Selection Window
Pet Stats & Skills Window – double click a pet in Alt-R.
Left Tab of S&S; – Shows combat statistics.
Right Tab of S&S; – Learned skills on left, Purchasable skills on right.
Alt+Y – Pet Formation Window – drag and drop pet, equipment.
Alt+T – Pet move/attack hotkeys, drag to hotkey bar.
Alt+I – Inventory screen.
Combination – in Alt-I, use to make pet equipment.
B. Making Pet Equipment
Unit Card – buy @ merchant, combine w. equipment, use Alt+Y.
Chalk of Restoration – buy @ merchant, combine w. equipment.
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C. Moving and Attacking with the Pet
Shift+Click Ground – Move the pets only.
Esc. x3 – Currently selected pet in Alt+R will follow the player.
Ctrl+Click Enemy – Attack with pets and player.
Alt+Click Enemy – Attack with pets only.
Shift+Click Enemy – Attack with player only.
D. Skills
Hotkeys – Drag skills from Pet’s Skills Window to pet’s skills hotbar while summoned, or in Pet Skills window.
Auto-Cast Skills – Right-click an attack skill or spell.
Rappelz Advisor: Rappelz Master Breeder Guide
E. Taming Pets (10+2 or higher Taming)
NPC Pets – Buy Tortus, Pantera or Poultry at merchant NPC, 8k.
“NPC” Basic Pet Tame Rate – 100%
“Common” Basic Pet Tame Rate – 50%, roughly
“Uncommon” Basic Pet Tame Rate – 20%, roughly
Rare Pet Tame Rate – <5-10% (Unverified)
Unique Pets – Not in Epic 4
Farming Pet Cards – level 30+ monsters of the type of creature you are looking for.
F. Belt Stats level 40, level 90
Tortus – +10% Vitality, Small amount of HP increase
Pantera – +10% Agility, +5% Physical Attack
Poultry – +5% Magical Attack, +5% Evasion
Yeti – +10% Vitality, +5% Physical Defense
Orc – +10% Vitality, +10% Strength
Skeleton – +5% Magical Defense, +10% P. Attack
Siren – +10% Agility, +5% Magical Attack
Blue Pixie – +10% Intelligence, +5% Magical Attack
Red Pixie – +10% Intelligence, +5% Magical Attack
Salamander – +10% Magical Defense, +10% P. Attack
Hawkman – +10% Vitality, +5% Physical Defense
Kentaros – +10% Vitality, +10% Strength
Angel – +10% Intelligence, +5% Magical Attack