Hiren’s BootCD PE is a new version based on Windows 10 PE x64. This article will guide you how to use AIO Boot to add Hiren’s BootCD PE to your USB drive.
Hiren’s BootCD PE
Once Ophcrack is running, it will automatically detect your Windows installation and will start doing its thing. First, Ophcrack will do a brute force attack to try to crack the simple passwords. Next, Ophcrack will put its rainbow tables-assisted assault into action for the more complex passwords. One side with magnifying mirror. Suitable for use in high humidity areas since it is water-resistant. Tested and approved for bathroom use. Do not expose to direct sunlight. The sunbeams may reflect in the mirror glass and ignite flammable material. One side of the mirror magnifies 2.5 times. Different wall materials require different types of.
On the official homepage of Hiren’s BootCD, Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 is the latest version. Hiren’s BootCD PE was released on the website developed by the fans of Hiren’s BootCD.
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Hiren’s BootCD PE includes only a single version of Windows 10 PE x64, supports new generation PCs and supports booting in UEFI mode (UEFI 64-bit, not 32-bit). If I’m not mistaken, like Bob.Omb’s Modified Win10PEx64 and Gandalf’s Windows 10PE, Windows 10 PE x64 from Hiren’s BootCD PE is also based on Win10PE SE.

Hiren’s BootCD 15.2 installs software, DLLs, and drivers on CD and USB drives, making smaller .WIM files and booting faster. Hiren’s BootCD PE includes all of that in a boot.wim file, although programs start faster but this makes this file larger (about 1.2GB), making booting slower and more RAM consumes, requiring at least 2GB of RAM.
Hiren’s BootCD PE includes only free software, .NET Framework 4 and .NET Framework 4.5 are supported.
- Ophcrack is a widely used software application to recover forgotten or lost passwords on Windows PCs. It is a versatile utility that offers two different ways to reset your password: one is to install the software after downloading it, and the other is to use a Live CD method that does not require any installation.
- Ophcrack is a Windows password cracker based on a time-memory trade-off using rainbow tables. This is a new variant of Hellman's original trade-off, with better performance. It recovers 99.9% of alphanumeric passwords in seconds.
Download ISO file and add it to USB
See the list of software included and download Hiren’s BootCD PE x64 ISO here, the file name is HBCD_PE_x64.iso.
Like other Windows 10 PE versions, you can easily integrate its ISO file into USB with AIOCreator.exe. Windows 7 product key 2017 64 bit. Currently the latest version is v1.0.1, please let me know if it has new version.

- Run AIOCreator.exe, switch to Integration, select Windows and then select WinPE 7/8.1/10 in the drop down list.
- Select the ISO file, then click OK to integrate.
Now you can restart your computer or use VirtualBox or VMware Workstation to test, boot it from the WinPE & Setup menu. Good luck!
Download flavors
The system of LiveCD flavors is a simple means for the community to generate ISO images for certain tasks by offering a selection of specific packages. There are two possibilities to create a flavor, use a flavor made by the community or create your own via a simple to use graphical interface.
LiveCD ISO Image to taste
For convenience, the SliTaz team propose some ISO flavors for the stable and cooking versions:
slitaz-3.0-xvesa.iso [29.0M] - Fully-featured desktop environment using the tiny Xvesa graphical server and providing a nice range of software for daily tasks
slitaz-4.0-firefox.iso [43.0M] - Small desktop environment featuring Mozilla Firefox
Ophcrack Download Mirror
slitaz-4.0-justx.iso [16.0M] - Small desktop environment powered by Xorg and Openbox, using just an X environment and tools to build your own desktop
slitaz-4.0-base.iso [8.0M] - Base system in text mode and including useful commandline tools. A good choice for a server installation
slitaz-4.0-loram.iso [41.0M] - Loram flavor that can start SliTaz on machines with very limited resources and needs only 128MB without disabling the CD-ROM

slitaz-4.0-loram-cdrom.iso [163.0M] - Loram flavor that can boot with only 24 MB and a little swap memory, but is unable to release the CD-ROM

slitaz-4.0.iso [35.0M] - 4in1 flavor containing the base, justx, gtkonly and core ISOs
Getting and generating a flavor
A flavor is a (.flavor) file to generate a special flavor. The graphical tool Tazlitobox can create a flavor in a few mouse clicks. The Tazlito manual and documentation provide detailed instructions on the generation of flavors. On the command line, you can get a list of available flavors via tazlito list-flavors
Anthophobia game version 1.50 full. Hello, I'm Sourjelly! Leader of Team 'Terrarium' We make a NSFW games.-Original V1.00 Anthophobia-Anthophobia V1.50 Newly illustrated by: Fenrir- Anthophobia is adult side-scrolling survival horror based on classic platforming and horror games. Hello, I'm Sourjelly! Leader of Team 'Terrarium' We make a NSFW games.-Original V1.00 Anthophobia-Anthophobia V1.50 Newly illustrated by: Fenrir- Anthophobia is adult side-scrolling survival horror based on classic platforming and horror games. Dec 21, 2016 This game is a demo version of Anthophobia v1.50, which is updated version of Anthophobia 1.00, A survival horror action platformer. How to play:: Arrow keys - move.
Ophcrack Mirrored
Create and share your own flavor
The stable and cooking versions offer the flavor core on the mirror, it can be used as a basis to create your own flavor. The documentation in the Handbook provides all the necessary instructions to create your own LiveCD flavor.
Ophcrack Mirror App
If you have created your own flavor to taste, you can send it on the discussion list for it to be tested and included in the official flavors.