Re: Need sample exercises related to AdventureWorks Database
Sep 16, 2012 11:05 AM|gerrylowry|LINK
The Expandable Cube is an innovative piece of team building equipment which can be used for over 20 activities including: Something's Missing, Build It, My Star Gate, Cube the Circle, As Far As It Goes, Telephone Booth, As Fast As You Can, Tub Shuffle, Over. A SQL Server script and.csv data files for installing AdventureWorksLT2012. AdventureWorksDW2012 (data warehouse) downloads. A full database MDF data file of AdventureWorksDW2012. Itel 1408 stock rom.
@ ashvinero
what is your programming background?
what is your DBA background?
currently working on multi layered Databases of much bigger volumes
in what rôle?

multi layered Databases of much bigger volumes
i'm not sure what you mean by this .. number of databases and size of databases is for all intents and purposes somewhat irrelevant.
please clarify.
something which would be of question and answer type.
are you trying to pass a job interview?
if yes, you could use Google (and/or your favourite search engine(s)) and search for:
SQL job interview questions answers
i would need something much simple and extensive than MS tutorials
you can learn a lot simply by watch the right videos .. unless you've an eidetic memory (, you'll likely need to watch them many times.

Adventureworks 2012 Database
You'll find MS SQL videos here:
'Introduction to DB Design'
By: Dallas Snider | Updated: 2016-02-17 | Comments (5) | Related: More >Testing
I see all of these examples using the AdventureWorks SQL Server database, howcan I get my own copy?
Microsoft provides a backup of the AdventureWorks2014 database on its CodePlexwebsite. The 2014 version of the AdventureWorks databases can be found at the followinglink:Adventure Works 2014 Sample Databases. There are multiple zip files on thisweb page for both the OLTP AdventureWorks2014 database and the dimensional modelfor data warehousing named AdventureWorksDW2014.
In this tip, we will download the Adventure Works 2014 Full Database Backup.zipfile as shown above. Unless you have changed your browser's settings, the zip filewill download to your Downloads folder.
Once the download has finished, you have to extract the contents of the zip file.The zip file contains a single SQL Server backup file with a .bak extension namedAdventureWorks2014.bak.
After extracting the file, copy the file to your database instance's Backup folder.You might get the following pop-up message, since I am the administrator on my ownPC, I clicked on Continue.
In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), right-click on 'Databases' and choose'Restore Database..' to bring up the Restore Database window.
In the Restore Database window, we have to specify the AdventureWorks2014.bakfile that we have extracted and moved into the database instance's Backup folder.In the Source groupbox, click on the Device radio button and then click on the ellipsisto the right as shown below.
In the Select backup devices window, the Backup media type is File. We need toclick on the Add button.
In the Locate Backup File window, navigate to your database instance's Backupfolder. Select the appropriate backup file. As shown here AdventureWorks2014.bakand AdventureWorksDW2014.bak reside in the Backup folder. Click on AdventureWorks2014.bakand then click on OK. This will return you to the Select backup devices window.
Free Download Adventureworks 2012
In the Select backup devices window, the path and filename to AdventureWorks2014.bakshould now appear. Click on OK to close the Select backup devices window and returnto the Restore Database window.
In the Restore Database window, the database name will be populated. Click onOK to begin the restoration process. A progress bar will appear at the top of thewindow.
Upon successful completion, the following window will appear. Click on OK.
Go to the Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio and browse the objectsin AdventureWorks2014. If the AdventureWorks2014 database does not appear, right-clickon Databases and choose Refresh.
Next Steps
Similar steps can be followed to restore the AdventureWorksDW2014 database toyour computer. Also, check out the following tips on database backup and restoration.
Last Updated: 2016-02-17
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